Terms and Conditions for the Happy Health Smile competition
The following terms apply to the ‘happy healthy smile’ competition
This competition commences on 31 March 2022 and ends at 12pm on Thursday 7th April 2022.
By participating in any competition or giveaway advertised by Richmond Village Dental (RVD) on its Facebook page and/or other social medial channels (the “competition”), you confirm that you accept and agree to these competition terms.
This competition is open to New Zealand residents only and are not open to employees of RVD, its agents, contractors, consultants, or their families (including de facto spouses) or to other persons assiting with the competition.
Entrants must like the RVD competition post and comment on the photo. Only one entry per person is permitted.
The prize winner will receive a comprehensive dental examination, scale and simple prophylaxis clean with dentist Victoria at Richmond Village Dental. They will also be given an ‘optic white light up tooth’ take-home whitening kit and instructions for use.
Prizes cannot be transferred or exchanged or redeemed for cash
RVD accepts no responsibility or liability for any prize winners enjoyment of any prize, or any other costs and expenses (including without limitation travel costs) that may be incurred by the prize winner relating to the prize or the winners enjoyment of that prize.
All valid entries received by 12pm on 7 April 2022 will be considered for selection as a potential winner. All late entries are deemed invalid.
RVD will endeavour to notify each of the prize winners by email, text, or phone. However, if the winner cannot be reached within three working days, we may redraw a new prize winner without liability to any person. RVD reserves the right to contact the selected winners by other means.
RVD is not responsible or liable for any late, lost, or misdirected entries. Nor is RVD responsible for any problems or technical malfunction which may result in delay or failure to enter you in the draw.
All entries to this competition become the property of RVD and will not be returned to entrants.